Meet the speakers
Antonio Aloisi is a Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellow and assistant professor of European and comparative labour law at IE Law School within IE University of Madrid. By embracing a multidimensional, anticipatory and participatory approach, his presentation discusses the effects of power augmentation on workplace bargaining and informational dynamics. It also assesses the suitability of existing legal solutions from various fields.
Ioannis Anyfantis is a project manager in the Prevention and Research Unit at the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work, working on a wide variety of projects related to occupational safety and health (OSH). His presentation “Artificial intelligence at work: challenges and opportunities for OSH” will deal with digitalisation, automation and artificial intelligence (AI), which are changing the world of work. Together with the apparent opportunities offered by the use of technology, there are a number of challenges and risks that should be equally considered. A human-centred approach would enable the effective application of technologies at a workplace level.
Patrick Bezombes works at AFNOR, the French standardization institute, and is the Vice-chair of the CEN-CENELEC JTC 21 (AI standardization). In his presentation titled “European standardization in support of the European Artificial Intelligence regulation”, he will present the JTC 21 Artificial Intelligence standardization roadmap with the interplays of horizontal and sectoral standardization.
Raja Chatila is a Professor Emeritus at Sorbonne University. After introducing the scientific foundations of artificial intelligence in his presentation “Foundations, Methods and Applications of Artificial Intelligence”, he will provide an overview of main methods and techniques used today and examples of application domains. Limitations of AI techniques and requirements for trustworthy AI systems will be discussed.
Agnès Delaborde is a research engineer in artificial intelligence and robotics evaluation at the French National Metrology and Testing Laboratory. The title of her presentation is “Evaluation and certification for safer artificial intelligence”. Evaluating AI consists in estimating to what extent AI performs the way it is expected to. Carrying out such an estimation relies on technical aspects relative to the system, but also to regulatory requirements, user expectations, or characteristics of the operational context. Agnès Delaborde will cover several challenges of AI evaluation, such as ensuring that the test covers the real system’s functioning domain, that the object of the assessment is clearly stated and as objective as possible, etc. She will explain in what context evaluation is required, and how it is associated with the notion of certification of AI.
Jörg Firnkorn works on AI Quality assessments at DEKRA DIGITAL. The focus of his current work is the development of audit schemes for AI Management Systems (AIMS) and for individual AI applications. He is a member of several DIN/DKE and ETSI working groups on AI standardization and co-authored DIN SPEC 92001-2 on AI Robustness. Before joining DEKRA he was research lead at a startup developing an AI evaluation software, led AI quality evaluation projects in different industries, and was guest professor for business ethics at Kassel University where he researched AI ethics. He will be a member of the round table discussing the challenges of AI regarding standardization, testing and certification.
Franck Gambelli is the legal director of the French Union of Metallurgies Industries (UIMM) in charge of health, safety, environment and corporate social responsibility issues. He will be a member of the round table dealing with the challenges of AI for standardisation, testing and certification.
Sebastian Hallensleben heads the topics of digitization and artificial intelligence in the VDE Group. The focus of his work is particularly on AI ethics, on dealing with ‘generative AI’, and on describing AI quality. He is chairman of the CEN-CENELEC JTC AI, which develops the European AI standards underpinning EU regulation, and a member of the supervisory board of the EU's StandICT programme. On the international level, he participates in AI committees of the IEC, the OECD, the Council of Europe and UNESCO.
Joseph McIntyre is an Ikerbasque Research Professor and Director of the Medical Robotics Area in Tecnalia. He directs Tecnalia's efforts to develop human-centric robotic technologies for worker protection and medical applications. His presentation is titled “Realizing the Promise of Exoskeletons: Research Efforts to Increase the Efficacy and Acceptance through AI-Enabled Wearable Robots”. Exoskeletons have been put forward as a means to protect workers in labour-intensive industries, but such wearable robots have not seen widespread uptake, as these wearable devices often impede as much as they help the worker. New lines of research aim to create AI-driven exoskeletons that recognize user intent and adapt accordingly, with the hopes of increasing acceptance and uptake of exoskeletons in the workspace.
Michel Paindavoine is Chief Technical Officer at Yumain.
Victoria Piedrafita is a lawyer dealing with engineering industries legislation in the European Commission, DG GROW, Unit H2, Machinery and equipment. She is currently leading the discussions on the Commission machinery regulation proposal with the Council and the European Parliament.
Christoph Preusse works at the German Social Accident Insurance Institution for the woodworking and metalworking industries (BGHM). He is head of the basis group on health and safety at leadership prevention. He will be part of the round table dealing with the challenges of AI for standardisation, testing and certification.
Isabelle Schömann is Confederal Secretary at the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC). She will be part of the round table dealing with the challenges of AI for standardisation, testing and certification.
André Steimers is a researcher at the Institute for Occupational Safety and Health of the German Social Accident Insurance (IFA). His presentation will give an overview of the topic of Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence and highlight its individual aspects. In addition, it will highlight the risks that exist in this context and describe some measures for risk reduction.