EUROSHNET – European Occupational Safety and Health Network
8th EUROSHNET Conference: Presentations and pictures

The 8th European conference on standardization, testing and certification in the field of occupational safety and health was held in Cracow (Poland) on 13-14 June 2024 under the heading "World in transition – Europe in adaptation – OSH under pressure".
Discover the presentations,book of posters and picture gallery.
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EUROSHNET is an international network of occupational safety and health experts involved in standardization, testing and certification. It was created against the backdrop of growing internationalization of standardization on the one hand and diminishing resources of the OSH lobby on the other. The network is intended to facilitate contact between OSH experts, to promote discussion of issues of common interest, and to disseminate information relevant to occupational safety and health.
In order to promote networking among OSH expert in Europe at a personal level, EUROSHNET organizes European conferences on a regular basis. The conferences are attended not only by experts from the accident insurance and OSH institutions, but by all parties involved in occupational safety and health: manufacturers and users of work equipment, testing and certification bodies, representatives of the European Commission and national authorities, standards institutes, and the social partners.
EUROSHNET is a joint project of CIOP-PIB (Poland), DGUV (Germany), EUROGIP (France), FIOH (Finland), INRS (France), INSST (Spain) and KAN (Germany).