EUROSHNET Conference logo showing a network of lines across the globe

Conference programme

The conference language is English

Thursday, 13 June

From 08.30Registration and coffee 
10.00Opening of the conference and welcome address

Daniel Podgórski
Central Institue for Labour Protection - National Research Institute (CIOP-PIB), Poland

Ewa Zielińska
President of the Polish Committee for Standardization
CENELEC Vice President Policy

Session 1: EU OSH and standardization strategies

10.10EU Strategies on OSH and digitalization and their implementation (download PDF file)Maurizio Curtarelli
European Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA)
 Standardization strategies of the EU: overviewMattias Bergdahl
European Commission, DG GROW
 Q&A session 
 Coffee break/poster session 

Session 2: Implications of the Machinery, AI and Cyber-resilience Regulations for standardization and market surveillance 

11.35The Machinery Regulation and its links with the AI and Cyber Resilience Acts (download PDF file)Frank Wohnsland
VDMA, CEN Sector Forum Machinery
 Challenges for standardization associated with the Machinery Regulation (download PDF file)Catherine Lubineau
Union de Normalisation de la Mécanique (UNM), France
 Market surveillance (download PDF file)Jorge Iñesta
Deputy Director General for Industry and Inspection, Community of Madrid, Spain
 Q&A session 
12.50Lunch break/poster session 

Session 3: Circular Economy, Green deal and REACH: challenges and standardization

14.20Waste recycling and extended producer responsibility - an opportunity to enhance occupational risks prevention (download PDF file)Bertrand Delecroix
Institut national de recherche et de sécurité (INRS), France
 Green Deal - standardization perspective (download PDF file)Jörg Megow
Deutsches Institut für Normung (DIN), Germany
 Green Deal - climate change implications for OSH (download PDF file) Anna-Maria Teperi
Finnish Institute of Occupational Health (FIOH), Finland
 REACH Regulation: revision and implications for OSH (download PDF file)Ruth Jimenez
Instituto Nacional de Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo (INSST), Spain
 Q&A session 
15.50Coffee break/poster session 

Session 4: Human approach towards new forms of work and OSH management

16.20Work in 2040: management methods and health and safety issues (download PDF file)Jennifer Clerté
Institut national de recherche et de sécurité (INRS), France
 Algorithmic management and artificial intelligence to organize workers: psychosocial risks and challenges for standardizationJorge Martín González
Instituto Nacional de Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo (INSST), Spain
 Human acceptance of technology (example: exoskeletons)Jean-Jacques Atain-Kouadio
Institut national de recherche et de sécurité (INRS), France
 Q&A session 
17.30Closing remarks / organizational aspects (End of Day 1) 
20.00Conference dinner 

Friday, 14 June

Session 5: Product design: Innovative aspects

09.00Innovative products and smart solutions (download PDF file)Karin Eufinger
 OSH and sustainability in global supply chains (download PDF file)Pia Perttula
Finnish Institute of Occupational Health (FIOH), Finland
 Innovative product exampleDaniela Zavec
TITERA, Slovenia/Germany
 Human factors in smart PPE design, testing and evaluationMałgorzata Okrasa
Central Institue for Labour Protection - National Research Institute (CIOP-PIB), Poland
 Q&A session 
10:30Coffee break/poster session 

Session 6: Current and future challenges in standardization, testing and certification


Round table 1: Standardization system


Ewa Zielińska
President of the Polish Committee for Standardization, CENELEC Vice President Policy, Poland

Claes-Mikael Ståhl
European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC)

Normen Günzroth
DIN Media (formerly Beuth Verlag), Germany

Frank Wohnsland
VDMA, CEN Sector Forum Machinery


Round table 2: Recent developments and needs


Thomas Krügerke

Tania Marcos Paramio
UNE - Asociación Española de Normalización, Spain

Henk Vanhoutte
European Safety Federation (ESF), Belgium

12.35Closing of the conference / Best poster awardCarita Aschan
Finnish Institute of Occupational Health (FIOH)